MAHILA VIDYALAYA DEGREE COLLEGEGanga Prasad Road, Aminabad, Lucknow

College Committees

Boards and Committees have been formed with equal participation of teachers and students to assist the Principal in matters of general administration and academic activities.

Sr No. Committee In-Charge
1 Prospectus Committee Dr. Pankaj Bala Srivastava
2 Admission Committee Dr. Rama Jain
3 Anti Ragging Committee Dr. Ritu Swamini Bala
4 Academic Affairs Committee Prof. Anita Verma
5 Proctorial Board Committee Prof. Anita Verma
6 Cultural Activities Committee Dr. Pallavi Dixit
7 Sports Committee Dr. Rama Jain
8 Library Committee Dr. Pankaj Bala Srivastava
9 Sports Committee Prof. Rama Jain
10 Student Aid Committee Dr. Nidhi Prakash
11 Student Welfare Committee Prof. Deepti Singh
12 Financial Advisory Committee Prof. Deepti Singh
13 Annual Function Committee Prof. Deepti Singh
14 Prize distribution Committee Prof. Meenu Mishra
15 Magazine Committee Dr. Rashmi Srivastava
16 Green Campus Clean Campus Committee Dr. Pallavi Dixit
17 Career Counselling and Placement Committee Prof. Pramila Tiwari
18 NAAC Committee Prof. Sangeeta Srivastava
19 Grievance Redressal Committee Prof. Pankaj Bala Srivastava
20 Internal Complaint Committee (Sexual Harassment Committee) Prof. Rama Jain
21 Website Committee Mrs. Leena
22 Anti-Tobacco Committee Dr. Ritu Swamini Bala
23 Industry Academic Integration & Skill Development Cell Prof. Rama Jain
24 Online Education & LMS Cell Dr. Pragya
25 Teacher’s Reskilling Cell Prof. Uttara Yadav
26 Research Development Cell Dr. Pallavi Dixit
27 Institutional Development Plan (IDP) Cell Prof. Jaya Pandey
28 Activity Club Dr. Pallavi Dixit
29 Indian Language, Culture and Art Club Prof. Pankaj Bala Srivastava
30 International Student Cell Dr. Namita
31 Cell for differently abled Students, SEDGs Dr. Sushma Sahu

Grievance Redressal Committee

The College has an effective Grievance Redressal mechanism to redress the grievances of its stake holders. The students approach the Committee members to voice their grievances regarding academic matters, financial matters, library and other central services. The student can directly approach the Principal to redress their grievances or they can drop their written suggestions/complaints in Complaint Boxes.

Chair Person: Mrs. Nisha Gupta, Principal


  • -- Prof. Pankaj Bala Srivastava, Department of English
  • -- Dr. Pallavi Dixit, Associate Professor, Department of Botany
  • -- Mrs. Leena, Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science
  • -- Mr. Ajay pandey, Office Superintendent
  • -- Mrs. Meera, Lab Assistant, Botany Department

Internal Complaint Committee (Sexual Harassment Committee)

This committee has been established to investigate complaints of sexual harassment made by students teachers and employees and also to increase the awareness among students on women's issues and gender discrimination. The Committee works through both formal and informal methods like organizing group discussions, holding workshop nukkad nataks, inviting guest speakers and holding debates.

Presiding Officer: Dr. Rama Jain, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics


  • -- Prof. Jaya Pandey
  • -- Dr. Namita
  • -- Dr. Waseem Zehra
  • -- Mr. Atul Srivastava
  • -- Mrs. Renu Srivastava

NGO Representative: Mrs. Meeta Parmar, President, HUM SAATH SOCIETY

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The College has an IQAC to develop a system for continuous, consistent and significant improvement in the overall performance of institution and channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.

In charge:Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava, Department of Chemistry

Counselling Cell

Students can avail various types of counseling services at College. The College provides counseling related to academic choices during the admissions process to enable students to decide upon their course of study. Teachers are always available within College and students can approach them with their academic problems.

The College organizes talks with experts from various fields for the students to learn about prospective careers. Mahila Vidyalaya Alumni Association (MAA) of the College organises sessions in which career related queries of students are answered by College alumni.

Social Media Platform

With a view to connecting with all the Higher Education Institutions and MHRD, Mahila College uses the following Social Media Platforms.

Facebook Page of the College “Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College, Aminabad, Lucknow”

YouTube Channel of the College “MahilaVidyalaya”

Contact Person: Mrs. Leena, Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science, Social Media Champion (SMC)

SWAYAM NPTEL Local Chapter (ID 3768)

Mahila Vidyalaya has its own Local Chapter the National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) which is a project initiative of IIT Madras, supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India and offers an opportunity to access online lectures delivered by IITs/IISCs and for free online certificate courses in Engineering Humanities and Social Streams Online course

Single point of contact (SPOC): Dr. Pragya, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry.