Our Vision
We will strive to help students who come into our portals, to blossom into confident, compassionate, caring and articulate members of society who will effectively contribute towards the development of our nation. To go beyond merely teaching the students subjects chosen by them and encourage as well as nurture their inquisitive and innovative spirit. To this end, we will additionally impart them the necessary life and vocational skills designed to help in flowering of their personalities and also enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship qualities.
Our Mission
During the academic year 2022-23, we will strive to, besides raising the academic standards through innovative and improved teaching, give our students choices for learning different vocational and personality development skills, arranged in collaboration with reputed institutes and individuals of eminence in their respective fields, with a view to assist them in developing their overall personalities and enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship qualities consistent with our overall vision.
It is indeed a matter of great pride that starting from a modest beginning as 'Hindu Girls School' in 1895, the Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College has traversed...
When the Hindu Girls School was established in 1895, it was a visionary and pioneering attempt to empower girls through quality education particularly at...
Once again, the students are standing at our portal with dreams in their eyes. While welcoming them, we at the Mahila Vidyalaya Degree College...
The UG courses is integrated with value based modules and co-curricular activities to ensure the all round development of a child.
Intermediate Science (with Biology group) or equivalent examination. For General and Other Backward Classes candidates must secure atleast 40% of marks and for Scheduled Castes...
The minimum marks required for General and Other Backward Classes candidates is 40% of marks* in Intermediate or equivalent examination and for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled...
Admission in B.Ed. is permissible to the selected candidates of State Joint Entrance Test who have allotted Mahila Vidyalaya in state counseling.
The history of Mahila Vidyalaya is one of a glorious past of more than a century, full of growth in service as well as scholarship.
Techniques that move away from the “traditional chalk and talk” method shall be adopted. Children are encouraged to...
The college incorporates fully functional and furnished laboratories with latest equipments for different subjects.
The library is equipped with numerous books. Periodicals and encyclopedia. It has also interactive computers and CD.
The College has huge sporting arena with Football, Volleyball and basketball courts and a Cricket net practice ...
The College is actively conscious of its responsibility towards nature. Students are taught to appreciate nature ...
Besides the colorful events dotting our academic session, we have regular Hobby classes in College, Such as Clay modeling, Casio, Karate, Cricket, Classical Dance etc.